Off the Bike for a Bit

Mark and I arrived in Todos Santos, BCS on Friday, October 20, just before Hurricane Norma started dropping rain on the city. We had signed up for a week long Spanish course and decided to get to town before the hurricane to insure we didn’t miss our clases. The school at which we are taking courses let us camp in their yard for a small price, and let us sleep inside and use their kitchen during the hurricane! We were happy to have a dry spot to wait out the weather. Todos Santos was relatively sheltered from the storm: some READ MORE

Hot, Hot, Hot, Hotel!

A quick note after a long day: See photos and videos from today here: Google Photos drive Mark and I have been riding through the heat the past couple days, but today we were especially exhausted in the 100 degree temperature (it’s also very humid). Today, our ride was mostly flat, which meant we were able to travel quite a ways—190 km—but the flat road, open desert and sprawling agriculture made the sweltering road feel endless. We didn’t talk much for the exhaustion of the heat, and without much to see, we only only stopped when we could get water READ MORE

Una semana en México

**Unfortunately, I am having trouble uploading photos to my blog from my phone, so please check out our Google photos drive if you are having trouble viewing them!** Neither of us had ever left the country before this trip, so when the Mexican border patrol ushered us through without even checking our passports in San Luis Rio Colorado, we were surprised to say the least. We left the agricultural area on the US side of the border into the bustling San Luis Rio Colorado. Overwhelmed by the busy streets and busy shops, we road through the city without stopping. We READ MORE

Still in Yuma, AZ

Mark and I left Tucson well fed and rejuvenated. We stayed two nights near the city, one with a Warm Showers host, and another with a close friend’s parents. We enjoyed delicious home cooked meals and lots of interesting conversation. We rode out past the town of Sells on the Tohono O’odham reservation. We cruised miles as we enjoyed a gentle downhill and a wide shoulder. When we called the local police department to get info about camping on the reservation they told us we could camp alongside the roadway, but it was illegal to camp on their land. They READ MORE

On the Road

After I finished the Colorado trail, I set the bike aside for a month while Mark and I got married and prepped for our current trip! We had an incredible time at our wedding and are so thankful to all the friends and family who made it happen! We are now a week into our journey to Argentina and experiencing the usual highs and lows that come with the start of any trip. After spending so much time off the bike while we sewed bags and did other prep work for the trip, Mark and I have been struggling to READ MORE