As the weather has turned arctic the last couple days, I have finally made time to do some writing. Although the single digit highs make it hard to venture out, I am happy to have an excuse to put some energy into a blog post. As I reflect on the last two months of skiing READ MORE
Author: nicolettejones13
Vapor Trail 125
One of my friends had been handed an entry, and talking to him about the race, Vapor Trail 125 sounded like good fun. I was coming off a strong ride on the Colorado Trail Race, and two weeks after my winning finish, my legs were feeling surprisingly spry. The registration had been full for month’s, READ MORE
Colorado Trail Race 2024
Time: 5 days 12 hours 21 minutes Total miles ridden: 544.24 Elevation gain: 74,533 ft (22,717 meters) First woman to cross the finish Line! 10th(ish) overall (there were a couple of DQ’s in the men’s field, but I’m counting them as finishers) I went into the race with the hopeful goal of winning the women’s READ MORE
That’s a Wrap
“Beautiful, but harsh,” is how a resident of the area described Patagonia this time of year. Indeed we have found that to be true. While we were elated to have arrived in the mountains after a long stretch in the Argentine desert, we knew that the fall weather could spell the end to our cycling. READ MORE
Not Over Yet
Long days on the bike gives us lots of time to pontificate the meaning of life and entertain one another with dumb what if questions. A classic has been, “what if our bike breaks irreparably?” Would we buy single bikes and continue on? Return home? Continue the trip by backpack/bus? Set up shop in a READ MORE
A Change of Pace
We knew that the pace we had settled into after more than 6 months of riding would not make sense to keep when Noël joined us; not only do we make different decisions with another person in the group, but Noël would be just getting acclimated to life on the bike. “This is more of READ MORE
The Tandem Gets a Third Seat
More problems posting! Originally written for publishing on April 5th. After 6.5 months of traveling just the two of us, Mark and I are being joined by one of our close friends. We did not actually get a third seat, but instead, Noël packed up her bike and flew in from Colorado to join us READ MORE
Down with Dengue
See our Strava here: See our photos here: I did not take much time to blog as we rode through the rest of Bolivia and into Northern Argentina. We were coving lots of kilometers, enjoying the fast riding in the remainder of the altiplano and here in the desert of northern Argentina. Our time READ MORE
Living the High Life
We climbed up to the Altiplano (the second largest high plateau on earth) a few hundred kilometers south of Cusco in Peru, and have been riding high on the plateau through Bolivia. We have not dropped below 3,600 m for over a week now and have been enjoying the impressive geographical features of this area: READ MORE