Code Brown

Despite our best efforts to “really get up and after ‘em, tomorrow,” we have found many more reasons to keep our slow pace as we meander through Colombia. In the last 5 days we probably visited 12 bike shops as we searched for the perfect replacement tire. We have not found our dream tire, and instead decided to carry a spare (an added weight that we are not taking lightly, ha). It’s not exactly inline with our usual packing routine, but it does provide significant peace of mind. Beyond our hunt for tires, we have chosen to trade in some READ MORE

Coffee, not Nescafé

We have arrived in the southernmost state in Mexico, Chiapas, where we have enjoyed trying some of the locally grown coffee and cacao and taking on one of the most challenging climbs of this trip. We spent our final night in Oaxaca with Rodrigo, who must be the most popular Warm Showers host ever (so many people have stayed with him!) and we too enjoyed his company and beautiful family and huge garden to pitch our tent and bathe ourselves. After sharing breakfast with Rodrigo and his wife Lupita, we got back on our bike, rode in heat of the READ MORE

What do you say when someone is walking the United States?

After enjoying the cool air of the high elevation of central Mexico, we have made it to the southern end of the state of Oaxaca. Back at sea level, we are feeling the heat and humidity. We had an incredible stay at a small mezclaría, the brand of which we tried back in Todos Santos. We stayed with a variety of Warm Showers hosts who made us feel welcome in the bike touring community in Mexico. We met some other bike tourers heading to Argentina. We did some super fun mountain riding, winding up and down the volcanic terrain in READ MORE