Back to blogging!

After a longer break than I expected, I am restarting my blog. I have even put a little more attention into my site this time! If you followed my Continental Divide Trail blog, I hope you’ll enjoy what I have to offer here too! I also hope you continue to read along as I grow this website!

A quick update on me: Right now I am working as a ski instructor and enjoy lots of time hiking and skiing in the snow. Besides AT touring, I was gifted a pair of skate skis to use for the season so I have been learning to skate ski too.

Mark and I are learning to winter camp, so we’ve spent a lot of time researching gear, and we’re excited to put ourselves to the test in the snowy backcountry. We have only gotten out a couple of times, and we have a lot more to learn moving forward.

Mark as we hiked out of our first night in the winter backcountry together. One clue that we have room to improve: this was the only photo I took that whole outing!

See my account of our second night our here.

Another skill I have been developing the past year is sewing. Mark found an amazing old Singer on craigslist (the sewing machine is older than either one of us), and it is a beast! it has made making gear feel so much more feasible!

Thanks for reading! Check out my other blog posts for my update on the past summer and specific stories about what else I have been up to! – Nic